Làm IT đúng là không dễ, nhưng đừng bỏ cuộc.


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Sep 28, 2017
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Trump_supporter said:
:sweat: thế méo nào lại viết inner jojn dưới left join mà điều kiện ON lại dùng ở các table LEFT thế. Rồi where gì mà nối các field lại thế, ôi chao code gì mà rác quá
em ví dụ về số dòng code cho thím kia hiểu thôi pác, chứ có khoe code giỏi đâu, em code angular, .net core pác :canny:
Sent from my iPhone using vozForums

Hoai cmn Linh

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Sep 27, 2017
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Hellscream said:
Ông thớt đặt tên biến tường minh đi. Chứ có phải mới học đâu mà i, j.
Sent from Xiaomi Mi A1 using vozFApp
Chạy vòng lặp ko đc đặt i,j hả thím
Sr e cũng mới học xong phần front end
Được gửi từ iPhone 8 - vozForums


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Sep 30, 2017
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emin3m said:
Tao không biết mấy ngành khác sao chứ sao thấy ngành IT có đặc điểm là mấy thằng làm lâu thì rất hay ra vẻ ta đây kinh nghiệm rồi lên mặt với newbie ghê.
Ngành nào cũng vậy thôi, có người này người kia, nhưng bạn cũng chả thể nào yêu cầu người ta cư xử nice với bạn, động viên bạn cả.
Nhất là khi bạn mới học được vài chữ đã lên mạng tinh tướng :sogood:


New Member
Jan 30, 2018
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lerros said:
Tên biến để ng khác hoặc chính mình sau này đọc lại còn hiểu mình viết cái gì chứ
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Trc em xem toidicodedao cái video thế nào clean code nó cũng nói vậy hay sao ý
Gửi bằng vozFApp
Sep 28, 2017
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dainam223 said:
Mới đi làm hả em, 1 cái job sql ETL vài trăm đến 1k line là bình thường mà :sogood:

Code: USE DataMart GO -- TRUNCATE TABLE FactInventoryTransaction INSERT INTO FactInventoryTransaction ( [LotSK] ,[QualitySK] ,[LocationSK] ,[QtyUnitSK] ,[WeightUnitSK] ,[LocalSK] ,[PurchaseContractDK] ,[ProductionOrderSK] ,[SalesContractDK] ,[BinSK] ,[CropYearSK] ,[TransactionSK] ,[TransactionDateSK] ,[CompanySK] ,[ProfitCenterSK] ,[CommoditySK] ,[Quantity] ,[Weight] ,[PaidWeight] ,[NewLotQty] ,[NewLotWeight] ,[InvoicedWeight] ,[DiscountPercent] ,[DocumentNo_] ,[WeightNoteNo_] ,[EntryNo_] ,[Description] ,[PostingDate] ,[CompanyID] --,[LastModifiedDateTimeOffset] ) SELECT d1.LotSK ,COALESCE(d2.QualitySK, 999000000000001) AS QualitySK ,CASE s.[Location Code] WHEN '' THEN 999000000000000 ELSE COALESCE(d3.LocationSK, 999000000000001) END AS LocationSK ,CASE s.[Packing Unit Code] WHEN '' THEN 999000000000000 ELSE COALESCE(d4.UnitSK, 999000000000001) END AS QtyUnitSK ,CASE s.[Unit of Measure Code] WHEN '' THEN 999000000000000 ELSE COALESCE(d5.UnitSK, 999000000000001) END AS WeightUnitSK , COALESCE(d6.LocalSK, 999000000000001) AS LocalSK ,CASE s.[Purchase Order No_] WHEN '' THEN 999000000000000 ELSE COALESCE(d7.PurchaseContractDK, 999000000000001) END AS PurchaseContractDK ,CASE s.[Prod_ Order No_] WHEN '' THEN 999000000000000 ELSE COALESCE(d8.ProductionOrderSK, 999000000000001) END AS ProductionOrderSK ,CASE s.[Sale Contract No_] WHEN '' THEN 999000000000000 ELSE COALESCE(d9.SalesContractDK, 999000000000001) END AS SalesContractDK , 999000000000000 AS BinSK , COALESCE(g1.CropYearSK, 1) AS CropYearSK , g2.TransactionSK , g3.DateSK AS TransactionDateSK , g4.CompanySK , g5.ProfitCenterSK , COALESCE(g6.CommoditySK, 1) AS CommoditySK -- Measures ,s.[Packing Units] AS Quantity ,s.[Quantity] AS [Weight] --,(s.[Quantity]*(100 - s.[Qty_ Discount %])/100) AS PaidWeight ,s.[Quantity] AS PaidWeight ,CASE WHEN s.[Entry Type] = 0 OR s.[Entry Type] = 6 THEN s.[Packing Units] ELSE NULL END AS NewLotQty ,CASE WHEN s.[Entry Type] = 0 OR s.[Entry Type] = 6 THEN s.[Quantity] ELSE NULL END AS NewLotWeight ,s.[Invoiced Quantity] AS InvoicedWeight -- Others ,s.[Qty_ Discount %] DiscountPercent ,s.[Document No_] DocumentNo_ ,CASE s.[Entry Type] WHEN 0 THEN doc_Re.[Document 2 No_] WHEN 4 THEN CASE s.[Positive] WHEN 1 THEN 'Transfer Receive' WHEN 0 THEN 'Transfer Shipment' ELSE NULL END WHEN 1 THEN SL.[Weight Note Reference] ELSE NULL END WeightNoteNo_ ,s.[Entry No_] EntryNo_ ,'Item Ledger Entry -' s.[Description] ,s.[Posting Date] PostingDate ,0 CompanyID --,26 CompanyID --,SYSDATETIMEOFFSET() LastModifiedDateTimeOffset FROM NAV_staging.dbo.[Item Ledger Entry] s INNER JOIN DimLot d1 ON d1.LotCode = s.[Lot No_] AND d1.ItemCode = s.[Item No_] AND d1.OP_CMS = 'OP' LEFT JOIN DimQuality d2 ON d2.QualityCode = s.[Item No_] AND d2.OP_CMS = 'OP' LEFT JOIN DimLocation d3 ON d3.LocationCode = s.[Location Code] AND d3.OP_CMS = 'OP' LEFT JOIN DimUnit d4 ON d4.UnitCode = s.[Packing Unit Code] -- QtyUnit LEFT JOIN DimUnit d5 ON d5.UnitCode = s.[Unit of Measure Code] -- WeightUnit LEFT JOIN NAV_Staging.dbo.[Lot Dimension] LD3 ON LD3.[Lot No_] = s.[Lot No_] AND LD3.[Item No_] = s.[Item No_] AND LD3.[Dimension Code] = 'LOCAL' LEFT JOIN DimLocal d6 ON d6.LocalCode = LD3.[Dimension Value Code] --LEFT JOIN DimLocal d6 ON d6.LocalCode = s.[Global Dimension 2 Code] LEFT JOIN DimPurchaseContract d7 ON d7.PurchaseContractCode = s.[Purchase Order No_] LEFT JOIN DimProductionOrder d8 ON d8.ProductionOrderCode = s.[Prod_ Order No_] LEFT JOIN DimSalesContract d9 ON d9.SalesContractCode = s.[Sale Contract No_] LEFT JOIN NAV_Staging.dbo.[Lot Dimension] LD1 ON LD1.[Lot No_] = s.[Lot No_] AND LD1.[Item No_] = s.[Item No_] AND LD1.[Dimension Code] = 'CROP YEAR' LEFT JOIN DimCropYear g1 ON g1.CropYearCode = LD1.[Dimension Value Code] INNER JOIN DimTransaction g2 ON g2.TransactionName = (CASE s.[Entry Type] WHEN 0 THEN 'Purchase Receive' WHEN 1 THEN 'Sales Order Call' WHEN 2 THEN 'Positive Adjustment' WHEN 3 THEN 'Negative Adjustment' WHEN 4 THEN 'Reclassification' WHEN 5 THEN 'Production Consumption' WHEN 6 THEN 'Production Output' ELSE '' END) INNER JOIN DimDate g3 ON g3.[Date] = CONVERT(DATE, s.[Document Date]) INNER JOIN DimCompany g4 ON g4.CompanyID = 26 INNER JOIN DimProfitCenter g5 ON g5.ProfitCenterCode = '97' LEFT JOIN NAV_Staging.dbo.[Lot Dimension] LD2 ON LD2.[Lot No_] = s.[Lot No_] AND LD2.[Item No_] = s.[Item No_] AND LD2.[Dimension Code] = 'COMMODITY' LEFT JOIN DimCommodity g6 ON g6.CommodityCode = LD2.[Dimension Value Code] --LEFT JOIN DimCommodity g6 ON g6.CommodityCode = s.[Global Dimension 1 Code] LEFT JOIN (SELECT * FROM (SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( PARTITION BY [Document 1 Source], [Document 1 Type], [Document 2 Type], [Document 1 No_], [Applied Qty_] ORDER BY [Document 2 No_] DESC ) row_num FROM NAV_Staging.dbo.[Document Relation] WHERE [Document 1 Source] = 2 -- Purchase AND [Document 1 Type] = 8 -- Posted Receipt AND [Document 2 Type] = 7 ) AS t WHERE row_num = 1 ) doc_Re ON (doc_Re.[Document 1 No_] = s.[Document No_] AND doc_Re.[Applied Qty_] = s.[Quantity]) LEFT JOIN NAV_Staging.dbo.[Sales Line] SL ON SL.[Document No_] = s.[Document No_] AND SL.[CMS Lot Number] = s.[CMS Lot Number] AND SL.[No_] = s.[Item No_] AND SL.[Shipment Date] = s.[Posting Date] where s.STG_CURRENT_IND = '1' and s.STG_OPERATION_TYPE <> 'D' --and s.STG_DWLOAD_TS is null ORDER BY s.[Entry No_] select @@ROWCOUNT extract_count -- Create Indexes for EntryNo_, DocumentNo_ IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM sys.indexes WHERE name='IX_FactInventoryTransaction_EntryNo_' AND [object_id] = OBJECT_ID('FactInventoryTransaction') ) CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_FactInventoryTransaction_EntryNo_] ON FactInventoryTransaction (EntryNo_); ELSE ALTER INDEX [IX_FactInventoryTransaction_EntryNo_] ON dbo.FactInventoryTransaction REORGANIZE; IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM sys.indexes WHERE name = 'IX_FactInventoryTransaction_DocumentNo_' AND [object_id] = OBJECT_ID('FactInventoryTransaction') ) CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_FactInventoryTransaction_DocumentNo_] ON FactInventoryTransaction (DocumentNo_) ; ELSE ALTER INDEX [IX_FactInventoryTransaction_DocumentNo_] ON dbo.FactInventoryTransaction REORGANIZE; ---------------------------------------------------- DECLARE @delete_duplicate int, @warehouse_entry int, @delete_duplicate_warehouse_entry int -- 1. Delete Duplicate ; WITH f AS ( SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY EntryNo_ ORDER BY InventoryTransactionSK) AS row_num FROM FactInventoryTransaction --WHERE [Description] <> 'Warehouse Entry' ) DELETE FROM f WHERE f.row_num > 1 SELECT @delete_duplicate = @@ROWCOUNT -- 2. update BinSK ReasonCode Description ; with t as ( select ile.[Entry No_] ile_Entry, we.[Bin Code], we.[Location Code], we.[Reason Code], we.[Entry No_] we_Entry from NAV_Staging.dbo.[Warehouse Entry] we inner join NAV_Staging.dbo.[Item Ledger Entry] ile on ile.[Item No_] = we.[Item No_] and ile.[Lot No_] = we.[Lot No_] and ile.[Location Code] = we.[Location Code] and ile.[Document No_] = we.[Reference No_] and ile.[Quantity] = we.[Quantity] where ile.[Document No_] <> '' and we.[Reference No_] <> '' ), s as ( select ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by ile_Entry order by ile_Entry, we_Entry) row_num, * from t ), w as (select f.InventoryTransactionSK, [Bin Code], [Location Code], [Reason Code] from s inner join FactInventoryTransaction f on f.EntryNo_ = convert(varchar(10), s.ile_Entry) and f.[Description] <> 'Warehouse Entry' where s.row_num = 1) --select * from w update f set f.BinSK = b.BinSK , f.ReasonCode = w.[Reason Code] from FactInventoryTransaction f, w , DimBin b where f.InventoryTransactionSK = w.InventoryTransactionSK and w.[Bin Code] = b.BinCode and w.[Location Code] = b.LocationCode --and f.LastModifiedDateTimeOffset IS NULL UPDATE f SET f.[Description] = LEFT(s.[Journal Batch Name] ' - ' f.[Description], 255) FROM FactInventoryTransaction f INNER JOIN DimLot d1 ON f.LotSK=d1.LotSK INNER JOIN DimLocation d2 ON d2.LocationSK=f.LocationSK INNER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT [Lot No_],[Item No_],[Location Code],[Source No_],[Reason Code],[Journal Batch Name] FROM NAV_Staging.dbo.[Warehouse Entry] WHERE [Journal Batch Name] LIKE '%REMOVAL%' ) s ON (d1.LotCode=s.[Lot No_] AND d1.ItemCode=s.[Item No_] AND d2.LocationCode=s.[Location Code] AND f.DocumentNo_=s.[Source No_]) WHERE f.[Description] <> 'Warehouse Entry' --AND f.LastModifiedDateTimeOffset IS NULL -- 3. update PaidWeight update f set f.PaidWeight = f.[Weight]*(100 - s.[Qty_ Discount %])/100 from FactInventoryTransaction f, DimQuality q, DimLot d, ( select * from ( select ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by [Item No_], [Lot No_], [Qty_ Discount %] order by [Entry No_]) row_num, [Item No_], [Lot No_] ,case when [Qty_ Discount %] > 100 then 0 else [Qty_ Discount %] end [Qty_ Discount %] from NAV_Staging.dbo.[Item Ledger Entry] where [Entry Type] = 0 -- Purchase Receive and [Qty_ Discount %] <> 0 ) ILE where row_num = 1 ) s where f.QualitySK = q.QualitySK and f.LotSK = d.LotSK and s.[Lot No_] = d.LotCode and s.[Item No_] = q.QualityCode and f.ReasonCode <> 'ADJ PAID' --and f.LastModifiedDateTimeOffset IS NULL -- 4. add [Warehouse Entry] records INSERT INTO FactInventoryTransaction ( [LotSK] ,[QualitySK] ,[LocationSK] ,[QtyUnitSK] ,[WeightUnitSK] ,[LocalSK] ,[PurchaseContractDK] ,[ProductionOrderSK] ,[SalesContractDK] ,[BinSK] ,[CropYearSK] ,[TransactionSK] ,[TransactionDateSK] ,[CompanySK] ,[ProfitCenterSK] ,[CommoditySK] ,[Quantity] ,[Weight] ,[PaidWeight] ,[DocumentNo_] ,[ReferenceNo_] ,[EntryNo_] ,[ReasonCode] ,[Description] ,[PostingDate] ,[CompanyID] --,[LastModifiedDateTimeOffset] ) SELECT d1.LotSK ,COALESCE(d2.QualitySK, 999000000000001) AS QualitySK ,CASE s.[Location Code] WHEN '' THEN 999000000000000 ELSE COALESCE(d3.LocationSK, 999000000000001) END AS LocationSK ,CASE s.[Packing Unit Code] WHEN '' THEN 999000000000000 ELSE COALESCE(d4.UnitSK, 999000000000001) END AS QtyUnitSK ,CASE s.[Unit of Measure Code] WHEN '' THEN 999000000000000 ELSE COALESCE(d5.UnitSK, 999000000000001) END AS WeightUnitSK ,999000000000000 AS LocalSK ,999000000000000 AS PurchaseContractDK ,999000000000000 AS ProductionOrderSK ,999000000000000 AS SalesContractDK , COALESCE(b.BinSK, 999000000000001) AS BinSK , COALESCE(g1.CropYearSK, 1) AS CropYearSK , g2.TransactionSK , g3.DateSK AS TransactionDateSK , g4.CompanySK , g5.ProfitCenterSK , COALESCE(g6.CommoditySK, 1) AS CommoditySK -- Measures ,s.[Packing Units] AS Quantity ,s.[Quantity] AS [Weight] ,s.[Quantity] AS PaidWeight -- Others ,s.[Source No_] AS DocumentNo_ ,s.[Reference No_] AS ReferenceNo_ ,s.[Entry No_] AS EntryNo_ ,s.[Reason Code] AS ReasonCode ,'Warehouse Entry' AS [Description] ,s.[Registering Date] AS PostingDate ,0 CompanyID --,26 CompanyID --,SYSDATETIMEOFFSET() LastModifiedDateTimeOffset FROM NAV_staging.dbo.[Warehouse Entry] s INNER JOIN DimLot d1 ON d1.LotCode = s.[Lot No_] AND d1.ItemCode = s.[Item No_] AND d1.OP_CMS = 'OP' LEFT JOIN DimBin b ON s.[Bin Code] = b.BinCode AND s.[Location Code] = b.LocationCode LEFT JOIN DimQuality d2 ON d2.QualityCode = s.[Item No_] AND d2.OP_CMS = 'OP' LEFT JOIN DimLocation d3 ON d3.LocationCode = s.[Location Code] AND d3.OP_CMS = 'OP' LEFT JOIN DimUnit d4 ON d4.UnitCode = s.[Packing Unit Code] -- QtyUnit LEFT JOIN DimUnit d5 ON d5.UnitCode = s.[Unit of Measure Code] -- WeightUnit LEFT JOIN DimCropYear g1 ON g1.CropYearCode = d1.CropYear INNER JOIN DimTransaction g2 ON g2.TransactionName = 'Reclassification' INNER JOIN DimDate g3 ON g3.[Date] = CONVERT(DATE, s.[Registering Date]) INNER JOIN DimCompany g4 ON g4.CompanyID = 26 INNER JOIN DimProfitCenter g5 ON g5.ProfitCenterCode = '97' LEFT JOIN DimCommodity g6 ON g6.CommodityCode = d1.CommodityCode WHERE s.[Reference No_] '_' s.[Lot No_] '_' s.[Item No_] IN ( select ReferenceLotItem from ( select [Reference No_] '_' [Lot No_] '_' [Item No_] ReferenceLotItem, sum(Quantity) sum_Qty from NAV_Staging.dbo.[Warehouse Entry] where [Reference No_] '_' [Lot No_] '_' [Item No_] not in (select distinct [Document No_] '_' [Lot No_] '_' [Item No_] from NAV_Staging.dbo.[Item Ledger Entry] where [Document No_] <> '' and STG_CURRENT_IND = 1 and STG_OPERATION_TYPE <> 'D' ) group by [Reference No_] '_' [Lot No_] '_' [Item No_] ) r where r.sum_Qty = 0 ) and s.STG_CURRENT_IND = '1' and s.STG_OPERATION_TYPE <> 'D' --and s.STG_DWLOAD_TS is null ORDER BY s.[Entry No_] SELECT @warehouse_entry = @@ROWCOUNT ; WITH w AS (SELECT * FROM FactInventoryTransaction WHERE [Description] = 'Warehouse Entry' ), f AS ( SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY EntryNo_ ORDER BY EntryNo_, BinSK) AS row_num FROM w ) DELETE FROM f WHERE f.row_num > 1 SELECT @delete_duplicate_warehouse_entry = @@ROWCOUNT -- 5. update Std_ measures ReferenceNo_ UPDATE f SET f.StdQuantity = (SELECT outValue FROM dbo.ufnConvertUnit(s.[Packing Units],s.[Packing Unit Code], 2, d1.CommodityCode, DEFAULT, DEFAULT)) ,f.StdWeight = (SELECT outValue FROM dbo.ufnConvertUnit(s.[Quantity],s.[Unit of Measure Code], 1, d1.CommodityCode, DEFAULT, DEFAULT)) ,f.StdPaidWeight = (SELECT outValue FROM dbo.ufnConvertUnit(f.PaidWeight, s.[Unit of Measure Code], 1, d1.CommodityCode, DEFAULT, DEFAULT)) ,f.StdInvoicedWeight = (SELECT outValue FROM dbo.ufnConvertUnit(s.[Invoiced Quantity],s.[Unit of Measure Code], 1, d1.CommodityCode, DEFAULT, DEFAULT)) FROM FactInventoryTransaction f INNER JOIN NAV_Staging.dbo.[Item Ledger Entry] s ON f.EntryNo_ = convert(varchar(10), s.[Entry No_]) INNER JOIN DimLot d1 ON d1.LotCode = s.[Lot No_] AND d1.ItemCode = s.[Item No_] AND d1.OP_CMS = 'OP' WHERE f.[Description] <> 'Warehouse Entry' --AND f.LastModifiedDateTimeOffset IS NULL UPDATE f SET f.StdQuantity = (SELECT outValue FROM dbo.ufnConvertUnit(s.[Packing Units],s.[Packing Unit Code], 2, d1.CommodityCode, DEFAULT, DEFAULT)) ,f.StdWeight = (SELECT outValue FROM dbo.ufnConvertUnit(s.[Quantity],s.[Unit of Measure Code], 1, d1.CommodityCode, DEFAULT, DEFAULT)) FROM FactInventoryTransaction f INNER JOIN NAV_Staging.dbo.[Warehouse Entry] s ON f.EntryNo_ = convert(varchar(10), s.[Entry No_]) INNER JOIN DimLot d1 ON d1.LotCode = s.[Lot No_] AND d1.ItemCode = s.[Item No_] AND d1.OP_CMS = 'OP' WHERE f.[Description] = 'Warehouse Entry' --AND f.LastModifiedDateTimeOffset IS NULL UPDATE f SET f.StdNewLotQty = CASE WHEN s.[Entry Type] = 0 OR s.[Entry Type] = 6 THEN f.StdQuantity ELSE NULL END ,f.StdNewLotWeight = CASE WHEN s.[Entry Type] = 0 OR s.[Entry Type] = 6 THEN f.StdWeight ELSE NULL END ,f.StdPaidQty = (SELECT outValue FROM dbo.ufnConvertUnit(f.StdPaidWeight, 'MT', 1, '40', DEFAULT, 'BAG60')) ,f.ReferenceNo_= CASE WHEN s.[Entry Type]=5 OR s.[Entry Type]=6 THEN CONVERT(varchar(20), s.[Prod_ Order Line No_]) WHEN s.[Entry Type]=1 THEN s.[CMS Lot Number] ELSE s.[External Document No_] END FROM FactInventoryTransaction f INNER JOIN NAV_Staging.dbo.[Item Ledger Entry] s ON f.EntryNo_ = convert(varchar(10), s.[Entry No_]) WHERE f.[Description] <> 'Warehouse Entry' --AND f.LastModifiedDateTimeOffset IS NULL --UPDATE FactInventoryTransaction --SET StdPaidWeight = StdWeight --, StdPaidQty = StdQuantity --FROM FactInventoryTransaction --WHERE [Description] = 'Warehouse Entry' --AND LastModifiedDateTimeOffset IS NULL update f set f.PaidWeight = f.[Weight]*(100. - s.[Qty_ Discount %])/100. , f.StdPaidWeight = f.StdWeight*(100. - s.[Qty_ Discount %])/100. , f.DiscountPercent = s.[Qty_ Discount %] from FactInventoryTransaction f, DimQuality q, DimLot d, ( select * from ( select ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by [Item No_], [Lot No_], [Qty_ Discount %] order by [Entry No_]) row_num, [Item No_], [Lot No_] ,case when [Qty_ Discount %] > 100 then 0 else [Qty_ Discount %] end [Qty_ Discount %] from NAV_Staging.dbo.[Item Ledger Entry] where [Entry Type] = 0 -- Purchase Receive and [Qty_ Discount %] <> 0 ) ILE where row_num = 1 ) s where f.QualitySK = q.QualitySK and f.LotSK = d.LotSK and s.[Lot No_] = d.LotCode and s.[Item No_] = q.QualityCode and f.[Description] = 'Warehouse Entry' and f.PaidWeight <> f.[Weight]*(100. - s.[Qty_ Discount %])/100. and f.StdPaidWeight <> f.StdWeight*(100. - s.[Qty_ Discount %])/100. --and f.LastModifiedDateTimeOffset IS NULL -- 6. update for Transfer Shipment Transfer Receive UPDATE f SET f.TransactionSK = (SELECT TransactionSK FROM DimTransaction WHERE TransactionName = 'Transfer Shipment') , f.WeightNoteNo_ = s.[Weight Note No_ Shipment] , f.TransferOrderNo_ = s.[Transfer Order No_] , f.[Description] = s.[Transfer-to Code] , f.SalesContractDK = COALESCE(s.SalesContractDK, 999000000000000) FROM FactInventoryTransaction f INNER JOIN DimBin b ON b.BinSK = f.BinSK INNER JOIN ( SELECT TSL.[Transfer Order No_], TSL.[Document No_], TSL.[Line No_], TSL.[Weight Note No_ Shipment], TSL.[Transfer-to Code], TSH.[Posting Date], TSL.[Transfer-from Bin Code], dsc.SalesContractDK --, TSL.STG_CURRENT_IND, TSL.STG_OPERATION_TYPE, TSL.STG_DWLOAD_TS FROM NAV_Staging.dbo.[Transfer Shipment Line] TSL INNER JOIN NAV_Staging.dbo.[Transfer Shipment Header] TSH ON TSH.[No_] = TSL.[Document No_] LEFT JOIN DimSalesContract dsc ON dsc.SalesContractCode = TSH.[CMS Sales No_] WHERE TSL.STG_CURRENT_IND = '1' AND TSL.STG_OPERATION_TYPE <> 'D' ) s ON f.DocumentNo_ = s.[Document No_] --AND s.[Line No_] = 10000 WHERE f.TransactionSK in (SELECT TransactionSK FROM DimTransaction WHERE TransactionName = 'Reclassification') AND f.WeightNoteNo_ = 'Transfer Shipment' AND b.BinCode = s.[Transfer-from Bin Code] AND f.[Description] <> 'Warehouse Entry' --AND f.LastModifiedDateTimeOffset IS NULL UPDATE f SET f.TransactionSK = (SELECT TransactionSK FROM DimTransaction WHERE TransactionName = 'Transfer Receive') , f.WeightNoteNo_ = s.[Weight Note No_ Receipt] , f.TransferOrderNo_ = s.[Transfer Order No_] --, f.PaidWeight = f.PaidWeight*(1 (s.[Weighed Qty_ Received] - s.[Quantity])/s.[Quantity]) --, f.DiscountPercent = -100*(s.[Weighed Qty_ Received] - s.[Quantity])/s.[Quantity] , f.[Description] = s.[Transfer-from Code] , f.SalesContractDK = COALESCE(s.SalesContractDK, 999000000000000) FROM FactInventoryTransaction f INNER JOIN ( SELECT TRL.[Transfer Order No_], TRL.[Document No_], TRL.[Line No_], TRL.[Weight Note No_ Receipt], TRL.[Transfer-from Code], dsc.SalesContractDK --, TRL.[Weighed Qty_ Received], TRL.[Quantity] --, TRL.STG_CURRENT_IND, TRL.STG_OPERATION_TYPE, TRL.STG_DWLOAD_TS FROM NAV_Staging.dbo.[Transfer Receipt Line] TRL INNER JOIN NAV_Staging.dbo.[Transfer Receipt Header] TRH ON TRH.[No_] = TRL.[Document No_] LEFT JOIN DimSalesContract dsc ON dsc.SalesContractCode = TRH.[CMS Sales No_] WHERE TRL.STG_CURRENT_IND = '1' AND TRL.STG_OPERATION_TYPE <> 'D' ) s ON f.DocumentNo_ = s.[Document No_] AND s.[Line No_] = 10000 WHERE f.TransactionSK in (SELECT TransactionSK FROM DimTransaction WHERE TransactionName = 'Reclassification') AND f.WeightNoteNo_ = 'Transfer Receive' AND f.[Description] <> 'Warehouse Entry' --AND f.LastModifiedDateTimeOffset IS NULL update f set f.WeightNoteNo_ = s.WeightNoteNo_ , f.SalesContractDK = s.SalesContractDK , f.ReasonCode = left(t.TransactionName, 8) -- Positive | Negative from FactInventoryTransaction f, DimTransaction t, (select distinct DocumentNo_, TransferOrderNo_, WeightNoteNo_, SalesContractDK from FactInventoryTransaction where TransactionSK in (select TransactionSK from DimTransaction where TransactionName = 'Transfer Receive') ) s where f.DocumentNo_ = s.DocumentNo_ and f.TransactionSK = t.TransactionSK and t.TransactionName in ('Positive Adjustment', 'Negative Adjustment') and f.WeightNoteNo_ is null and f.TransferOrderNo_ is null and f.[Description] <> 'Warehouse Entry' update f set f.TransactionSK = (select TransactionSK from DimTransaction where TransactionName = 'Transfer Receive') , f.TransferOrderNo_ = s.TransferOrderNo_ , f.[Description] = s.[Description] from FactInventoryTransaction f, (select distinct DocumentNo_, TransferOrderNo_, [Description] from FactInventoryTransaction where TransactionSK in (select TransactionSK from DimTransaction where TransactionName = 'Transfer Receive') ) s where f.DocumentNo_ = s.DocumentNo_ and f.TransactionSK in (SELECT TransactionSK FROM DimTransaction WHERE TransactionName in ('Positive Adjustment', 'Negative Adjustment', 'Reclassification') ) and f.TransferOrderNo_ is null and f.[Description] <> 'Warehouse Entry' -- 7. Update WeightNoteNo_ update f set f.WeightNoteNo_ = s.[Document 2 No_] from FactInventoryTransaction f, (SELECT DR.*, SL.[CMS Lot Number] FROM (SELECT DISTINCT [Document 1 Type], [Document 2 Type] , [Document 1 No_], [Document 1 Line No_], [Document 2 No_] FROM NAV_Staging.dbo.[Document Relation] WHERE [Document 1 Source] = 1 -- Sales AND [Document 1 Type] = 1 -- Order ) DR INNER JOIN NAV_Staging.dbo.[Sales Line] SL ON DR.[Document 1 No_] = SL.[Document No_] AND DR.[Document 1 Line No_] = SL.[Line No_] AND SL.[Call line Executed] = 1 ) s where f.TransactionSK in (select TransactionSK from DimTransaction where TransactionName = 'Sales Order Call') and f.ReferenceNo_ = s.[CMS Lot Number] and f.WeightNoteNo_ IS NULL and f.[Description] <> 'Warehouse Entry' UPDATE FactInventoryTransaction SET WeightNoteNo_= NULL WHERE WeightNoteNo_ LIKE 'Transfer%' UPDATE f SET f.TransactionSK = (SELECT TransactionSK FROM DimTransaction WHERE TransactionName = 'Transfer Shipment') , f.WeightNoteNo_ = s.[Weight Note No_ Shipment] , f.TransferOrderNo_ = s.[Transfer Order No_] , f.[Description] = s.[Transfer-to Code] , f.SalesContractDK = COALESCE(s.SalesContractDK, 999000000000000) FROM FactInventoryTransaction f INNER JOIN ( SELECT TSL.[Transfer Order No_], TSL.[Document No_], TSL.[Line No_], TSL.[Weight Note No_ Shipment], TSL.[Transfer-to Code], dsc.SalesContractDK , TSL.STG_CURRENT_IND, TSL.STG_OPERATION_TYPE, TSL.STG_DWLOAD_TS FROM NAV_Staging.dbo.[Transfer Shipment Line] TSL INNER JOIN NAV_Staging.dbo.[Transfer Shipment Header] TSH ON TSH.[No_] = TSL.[Document No_] LEFT JOIN DimSalesContract dsc ON dsc.SalesContractCode = TSH.[CMS Sales No_] ) s ON f.DocumentNo_ = s.[Document No_] AND s.[Line No_] = 10000 WHERE f.TransactionSK in (SELECT TransactionSK FROM DimTransaction WHERE TransactionName = 'Reclassification') AND f.WeightNoteNo_ IS NULL AND s.STG_CURRENT_IND = '1' AND s.STG_OPERATION_TYPE <> 'D' AND f.[Description] <> 'Warehouse Entry' UPDATE FactInventoryTransaction SET WeightNoteNo_= NULL WHERE TransactionSK = (SELECT TransactionSK FROM DimTransaction WHERE TransactionName = 'Transfer Shipment') AND BinSK = 999000000000000 AND [Description] <> 'Warehouse Entry' update f set f.WeightNoteNo_ = s.WeightNoteNo_ from FactInventoryTransaction f, (select distinct WeightNoteNo_, DocumentNo_, TransferOrderNo_ from FactInventoryTransaction where TransactionSK in (select TransactionSK from DimTransaction where TransactionName = 'Transfer Receive') and WeightNoteNo_ is not null ) s where f.DocumentNo_ = s.DocumentNo_ and f.TransactionSK in (SELECT TransactionSK FROM DimTransaction WHERE TransactionName = 'Transfer Receive') and f.[Weight] > 0 and f.WeightNoteNo_ is null and f.[Description] <> 'Warehouse Entry' -- 8. Update Shipping Advice [No_] to Description for [Sales Order Call] ; with t as ( select f.InventoryTransactionSK, f.EntryNo_, fst.ReferenceNo_ SalesAdviceNo_ from FactInventoryTransaction f, FactSalesTransaction fst where f.TransactionSK in (select TransactionSK from DimTransaction where TransactionName = 'Sales Order Call') and fst.TransactionSK in (select TransactionSK from DimTransaction where TransactionName = 'CMS Lot') and fst.CMS_LotNo_ = f.ReferenceNo_ ), s as ( select ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by EntryNo_ order by EntryNo_) row_num , * from t ) --select * from s where row_num = 1 update f set f.[Description] = s.SalesAdviceNo_ from FactInventoryTransaction f, s where f.InventoryTransactionSK = s.InventoryTransactionSK and s.row_num = 1 and f.[Description] <> 'Warehouse Entry' --and f.LastModifiedDateTimeOffset IS NULL -- 9. Update SalesContractDK update f set f.SalesContractDK = s.SalesContractDK from FactInventoryTransaction f inner join DimProductionOrder d on f.ProductionOrderSK = d.ProductionOrderSK and f.DocumentNo_ = d.ProductionOrderCode inner join DimSalesContract s on s.SalesContractCode = d.SalesContractCode where f.[Description] <> 'Warehouse Entry' and f.SalesContractDK in (999000000000000, 999000000000001) SELECT @delete_duplicate delete_duplicate_count, @warehouse_entry warehouse_entry_count, @delete_duplicate_warehouse_entry delete_duplicate_warehouse_entry_count
Chà , mới code được cái app android 300 lines đã định chuyển từ công nhân sang coder , thấy cái này đành ngậm ngùi làm công nhân tiếp vậy :sexy:
Gửi từ Xiaomi MI 8 Lite bằng vozFApp

Reg nick mung 2015

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Dec 18, 2017
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Quy tắc 10.000h giờ nha. Thiên tài thì cũng thế thôi.

10.000h thì chắc đc tầm code salary 1k - 2k.

Không có đường tắt. Xong 10.000h mà có nhìn lại thấy thằng bạn kinh doanh buôn bán tháng trăm triệu thì cũng đừng buồn tiếc nha. đời mà. hihi


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Sep 27, 2017
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nhớ lại mấy vụ job sql 1k line thật là hãi hùng

tôi xưa maintenance cái job sql 400 line + 1 file 16k line bao gồm mã html css và javascript gộp chung lại

Ruoi Den

New Member
Oct 5, 2017
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Hoai cmn Linh said:
Chạy vòng lặp ko đc đặt i,j hả thím
Sr e cũng mới học xong phần front end

Được gửi từ iPhone 8 - vozForums
im mẹ mồm vào mà học. học JS tới đâu rồi mà còn đéo biết đặt biến tường minh mà bảo học xong. ỉa chảy vcl


New Member
Sep 27, 2017
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Hoai cmn Linh said:
Chạy vòng lặp ko đc đặt i,j hả thím
Sr e cũng mới học xong phần front end

Được gửi từ iPhone 8 - vozForums
Ông thớt với bạn đặt i,j nữa, code đặt tên biến không phải ngắn, đặt sao đọc lại hiểu, người khác đọc hiểu :shame:
Trình thớt thì tầm sv năm 1 mới học xong nhập môn lập trình :go: chưa nói đến hướng đối tượng, đồ án này kia :go: